Thursday, December 13, 2007


So one of my 27,000 readers was asking me if I had a girlfriend... Well, no one really asked and I don't really have any readers, but since every other personal blog seems to be flooded with love posts, I thought I'd put mine in.

No, I don't have a girlfriend. I have a crush, and I think she crushes me back but I haven't asked her out, and I know she'd wait for me to make the first move. At this point, I think that most people would be quite nervous and wonder how they should ask her out for the first time, but not me. In two months, I'll be gone, out of state, out of sight and out of her everyday life. I'm not worried about her being unfaithful or dumping me, she's not one to do that, but neither am I one to hang someone's love and devotion on a phone line and roses that come in the mail.

So will I be a bachelor all my life cause the time was never right? Yeah, it's quite likely, but I won't break a bunch of hearts looking. This is my reasoning, most would consider it bad or wrong, heck, I do. I just don't see a better way right now, and I don't really see one coming down the road for me.
Alright, it's time to sleep.

Groovin' to Collective Soul's Precious Declaration.

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