Monday, May 31, 2010

New Blog

So I had a really dumb idea for a new blog that I rejected several hours after I created it, and then I was left with a blog with no theme or posts. The wise man would say "Delete the blog" which I would have, but I have no idea how to do that, so there it was, blank and with no purpose.

I tossed around a couple of ideas and finally settled on this: I'm going to try to find 368 (less than random number, but you'll have to ask if you really care that much) things that I want to do in my lifetime and I'll try to post one a day, for 368 days. It's kind of related to my whole free-to-live Nihilistic thing that's developed for the past couple years.

Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm a screaming Nihilist... what now?

Thanks to  Stephen Poff of Flickr for the pic... Awesome leap!

As Showbread would say: No sir, Nihilism is not Practical.

It's not practical, but I believe it to be the most correct view there is based upon the evidence and I've never been one to follow or believe something due to convenience. So, the question still remains: what now?

Tomorrow I'm gonna go rock climbing. Why? I have no fucking clue. When I finally get done with my work week, I'm going to get raging drunk with a friend I haven't seen for more than a year. We'll have a great time, and I'll probably pass out on her couch. The next morning will be hell. Why you ask, cause I could do that or I could be doing nothing. Nothing is nothing. It's not worthwhile, so I might as well enjoy what little time I have as a self aware being.

It feels stupid to have the whole of humanity boil down to something so simple. I've searched everything, but it all goes back to enjoy it! It's the only life we've got and whether or not I save the world doesn't make a damn difference. If I enjoyed myself and can still live with myself, I'm more of a success than the majority of the planet.

So it's a dismal view on humanity and existence, but it's a great view on life in general. Every door is open to me. Nothing in the world matters, so there's nothing I cannot do. Life watch out! Here I come!!!!!!!

Currently listening to: Sticks and Stones by Jamie T

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

On patrol again: My return from haitus

Thanks to "TGKW" of Flickr for the image

So it's been a long time since I've typed anything in this blog, and even through I regret not having those memories in words, I needed some time away from this... this never ending search for something that matters. I needed some peace, some quiet. Not to say that those demons haven't tortured me every week I've been away, but it hasn't been constant, and I guess I haven't let it become coherent.

Since the last time I wrote, I've been up; I've been down. I've had some amazing times that will take time to forget (I won't say I'll never forget, because everything fades with time). But those times are not for here, it is the past, and my struggle must continue. I can't ignore this forever. There has to be a resolution. So I'm back here again, typing my daily thoughts again.

It's very similar to a post I made a long time ago, when I was writing a paper for college. I stayed up for hours upon hours searching... for nothing in particular, but just searching. For something to blow my mind I guess. Well I'm back, searching again, back on patrol.

I have to work in a couple hours, but I'll be back; and soon.

To all those on patrol, I bid you good luck!

Currently listening to "Let Go" by Everest