Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Meaning of Life

So this is it, this is the post. The meaning of life post. Every other post built to this one I guess. 

So what is the meaning of life? Though I hate to say it, as far as I can figure, there is none. Any meaning that someone makes is artificial, it's something to drive them, or it's an internal obligation.  Since I don't agree with religion, and am not too sure with spiritualism as a whole, I don't think there's anything beyond what I can see weighing the acts of anyone. So what is right and wrong? Everyone has a different opinion on what's right and wrong, so my opinion on what is right is only agreed upon if my point of view wins. So again, what is right and wrong? It doesn't exist, it's simply a way we describe how we would like things to be.

So should we live to help humanity? Well, the greatest thoughts of mankind, from democracy, to religion, to the flush toilet (which may be the most amazing) have failed to solve the basic problems we see in the world. We are still ravaged by war, disease, death, despair, starvation and the bitter hate between neighbors. So should I waste all my energy trying to do something great that will never solve the issue? The solution is not there.

So if there is no meaning to life, how am I going to live? That is the question that I must answer. Does this mean that I'm going to be a jerk to everyone? No, I see no reason. It's easier for everyone if we get along with each other, but I don't know exactly how I am going to live. With my beliefs, there's not really any reason to be driven, other than what I enjoy. That sounds petty, but maybe it's the most honest way I can describe why I do stuff, because it's the most enjoyable way to live.

Alright, I give you this one with a heavy heart, cause it's the end of an age, a new chapter. A new chapter tends to mean something fresh, exciting, but this seems like a conclusion, like I've found what I was looking for, but am a bit unsatisfied with the answer. Because of the nature of this post, it may be my last one for a while. There really doesn't seem to be a reason to type beyond this, but who knows, I may have more.

Till I find something new,

Always true to you,


Listening to Never Again by Griffin House

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Tribute to Deputy Anne Jackson

"Sept. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Six people, including a sheriff's deputy, were killed in Washington state when a man suffering from a mental illness went on a shooting spree, before surrendering to police following a car chase, the Associated Press reported."

You may be asking yourself "Why is he posting about this? News isn't his thing." You're right, news is not my thing, at least not on this blog, but this is not news for me; this hit me a little closer. A friend of mine is involved with the Skagit County Sheriff's Department, and she knew the deputy who was killed. The deputy's name is Anne Jackson, she was 40 years old and had served in the department for 6 years.

The reason I'm typing this is because of my own inability to do anything to make the situation better. When someone dies there's little one can do, especially when you're thousands of miles away. At that distance, all you have is words, but what words can do anything? I can't say "It'll be alright" cause it isn't and someone is in the ground. All I can say is "I agree, it sucks" and hopefully my friend will find comfort in the empathy. There's no reason to sugarcoat it, there's nothing that can be gained from that; this sucks.

I've heard it said that a million people dying is not a tragedy, but one person dying is. The potential of a million people could never be calculated, the loss could never be understood, but the loss of one person could. What could have deputy Anne Jackson been; what could she have done. I don't know but I know someone who knew her, and that person will see the impact of her loss often.

Such a rash action, and in a instant, such a waste. She was a just doing her job, and now she's gone for good.

If you just read this, keep Deputy Jackson's friends and family and the entire Skagit county law enforcement community on your thoughts and prayers.
