Monday, June 9, 2008

Should I Give it Up?

I was thinking tonight how much I've thought and how the same questions seem to circle in my mind: What's this life meant to be? Is there a God? Is there a reason beyond what we see? Is the whole of human experience nothing more than a bit of joy, a bit of pain that will blow away lilke smoke as soon as the life ends? Should I be trying to make this world a better place, or is better just something I defined in my own mind? Is there an ultimate truth of right and wrong or is the important thing that I believe something? Is the belief in a right and wrong good, or is bad like John Mayer would suggest in the song Belief? Should I ask these questions or quit? I don't know the answer and I'm not sure what my next step should or will be. Right now it feels like what Peter Bradley Adams says "The longer I run, the less that I find, selling my heart for a nickel and dime, breaking my heart to keep singing these rhymes, I'm losing again"

That's what's up with me
I don't really think I'll find the answers to any of these questions

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