Thursday, June 11, 2009

What I Want

What do I want? I had an answer before I came up with the question, but here it is: I want to have a comfortable and satisfied answer for those irritating questions in life like "What is it for?" or "Is it worth it?" and all that. I'm almost certain that I won't find these answers, so second best thing for me to do now is to let it all go. Drive it out, give it up; but I don't think I can.

If I will have to wrestle these demons all my life, I want to know some girl that I can say all this shit to (like this blog shit), and for her to still love me. Maybe that's a reason that emo chicks attract me, cause they'd have stories of their own and we'd be able to talk about all this as equals, not me being some freak that needs special help.

I can deal with having these problems, but I need terribly to have someone who can understand and relate. Maybe that's the reason I made this blog. So my good friend, if you're out there, give a hollar!

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