Friday, September 4, 2009

Family Issues

What a fucking night.

My mom called while I was at a friend's and told me that my dad left her after close to 30 years of marraige. He's gone now; took a bunch of money and left the country. I'm in a state of emergency, trying to find out how to get my ass across the country in the next couple of days. Normal shit to this. Completely out of the blue. Fuck...

On the other note, a friend of mine and her girlfriend are planning on moving in with me. Good news for a situation where I was starting to have to foot for my whole apartment (I was with a room mate for a while, but he got a job somewhere else and had to move. Now that won't be a problem, Hoorah!

What a disgusting stir of emotions. It's like trying to take a warm shot of cheap vodka after shotgunning the 8th beer you've had that night. Nausea.

I wanted to talk about my friend and her girlfriend, and their relationship, but I just don't have the heart tonight. I'll try again sometime when I can handle thinking about shit like that.

Listening to: Nothing

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