Monday, August 24, 2009

Saint Sarah Jones

Saint Sarah Jones
With your smiling heart
And your joyful drunken nights
Thank you for looking my way

Saint Sarah Jones
With your beautiful eyes
And your colored past
Thank you for smiling on me

Saint Sarah Jones
With your carefree style
And your restless travels
I've always loved your style

Saint Sarah Jones

Some have called you a sinner
But you've always been a saint to me
I suppose it's the way it always is
Discarded for the slightest irregularity

As your restless legs must lead you away
Remember what I say
Saint Sarah Jones is your rightful name
A title only few can take

This is about one person in particular, but it's been influenced by a few people. I wish I was better at expressing happier things, cause me and these people have had some great times. Laughing so hard you're rolling on the floor crying times. But yeah, this is for all those good people that aren't really polished or proper; for those who have a past but throw a smile on their face and love life.

Currently listening to "Breakable" by Ingrid Michaelson

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