Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Here's What I Am

Since the begining of this crazy spiritual change, I thought the closest thing to what I believed was Agnosticism, but I always thought that meast that there was no was of knowing, which isn't something I agree with. It may be possible to answer these questions with religious of philosophical beliefs, but I just don't know, and until I find some reason to believe, whether it be through intellectual discussions, or something spiritual happening or something else entirely that I can't think if right now, I won't claim alliegence to any belief system but my own opinions on right and wrong. So what am I? According to Wikipedia, I'm a mild Agnostic. Whoever wrote the section on mild Agnosticism wrote my beliefs beautifully. Here's the section:

"Mild agnosticism (also called weak agnosticism, soft agnosticism, open agnosticism, empirical agnosticism, temporal agnosticism)—the view that the existence or nonexistence of God or gods is currently unknown but is not necessarily unknowable, therefore one will withhold judgment until/if more evidence is available."

That's what I am!

Obviously, coming from a very objective Christian backround and then leaving it, relativism has swung around and presented itself like a sledgehammer in the face for me to consider. I don't know on that one, but I've been listening to Jack Johnson's "It's all understood". Interesting song and there's a good video someone made for it

Alright, peace!

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