Sunday, January 13, 2008

New Life/Don't Die

Well, I had a couple things on my mind that I just felt like I should get out. It feels like I haven't post for eternity.

First, I know a good number of young people who have unplanned kids recently and I've seen them stressed to no end and I've seen them look 25 when they're only 18. Well, I saw a girl recently (the girlfriend of a guy I know) that had a baby recently she looked 18 (and she is 18). I hope I didn't freak her out because I was watching her and wanted to see her eyes; I wanted to see if there was that change that I'd seen in other people. I finally did see and it wasn't there. I don't know why not, and I won't go into poetic crap acting like I do, but it was an interesting good thing.

It made me think of how people act when teens have kids. It seems that the only thing churchs are very good at is with this is stressing the teens out. Yeah, they're joining the "real" world in a hurry, but there's no good reason to freak them out with the "your kid's gonna be dumb and go to jail statistics". Maybe if we cared enough to help them, those statistics could be history. As always, it's not our place to judge.

The second thing was saying goodbye to my friend. Right as he left, he said a few words very sincerely, in fact I don't think I've ever seen him so sincere in my life. They are (drum role please) "Don't go fuck up and get killed, we don't need a folded flag". It seems small, but how he said it, it meant he really cared... a lot. I said (equally sincere) something like "I'll keep that in mind". Just a short exchange that I can't explain any better.

Well, I'll leave you with a nicer thought. Someone put this online (probably illegaly). It's a pretty comforting song.
Mansions by Burlap to Cashmere

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